Monday, October 27, 2008


As I did my research for the talk on the Wall of Sacrifice, I found it sad to go back to the origins of the word sacrifice and find that it was originally meant to be set something apart as holy…sacra-facere …literally to make holy. I doubt we think of it on those terms today.

When we hear the word sacrifice, we think personal cost, even personal inconvenience…and that’s not all bad. Look at scripture and you find sacrifice has always been at a cost, often the loss of life, as in the case of Jesus on the cross.

I believe the reason sacrifice has become so hard is because we have lost the connection between sacrifice and meaning. To sacrifice for no good purpose is pointless. To sacrifice for something of great value…that’s an HONOR.

Think of the young mom who sacrifices her interests, appearance, and a decent night’s sleep in order to care for her newborn child. Think of the single dad who foregoes the boat or Harley purchase in order to provide for his kids.

The truth is…unless we find meaning in it…we won’t sacrifice. Do what the word originally meant…make it sacred…holy…and it changes everything.

When we find the sacred in the sacrifice, then whatever we do, whatever we offer, whatever we sacrifice…it’s an offering to God.

Examples: We have NO problem skipping a meal or a latte’ if the savings feeds someone in Africa or blesses someone in need next door. We have no problem giving up going to a movie or taking a staycation if we know the savings will make a difference for someone else.

So…if you’re being called to sacrifice these days…connect the action with the purpose. The sacrifice might still sting…but it’s the kind of sting you can live with!