Friday, May 22, 2009

He Maketh Me to Lie Down

Almost midnight Monday night an old nemesis returned...kidney stones. I've had more than 30 in my life time. They're not fatal but sometimes I wish they were. The pain is excruciating. And there's not a lot you can do but head to the nearest ER and get medicated...heavily medicated.

WMC did a great job Tuesday in just after midnight til 6:00am. Great staff. Attentive. Responsive. When you're in a lot of pain that great care matters more.

I wonder when it happens why it happens. Why does God allow suffering? It's an age-old question. C.S. Lewis said suffering poses the single greatest challenge to Christianity.

Here's what I know...Jesus is closer in my pain than almost any other place in my life. It might seem strange. But it's true.

So...maybe it doesn't matter WHY. Maybe it's simply that He IS present in our suffering. Comforting. Speaking peace. And thats enough.