Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Blogger Nation

I haven't blogged in a while. In a long time actually. Mostly because I've been busy. How's that for an excuse. And because there are thoughts we have as Christian men and women that wouldn't be tolerated if they were shared publicly. So the filter goes on and we either filter them out or we don't write at all. Guess you know the direction I went.

I also have begun to question the value we place on sharing every little thought we have for all the world to if every thought is worth sharing with anyone with a browser.

Truthfully, a lot of what we call online community these days is more a cry for attention. Take Twitter for example. Perhaps I'm following the wrong 'tweeters' but most of them are simply a day by day account of the big names with whom they are having coffee. what?

Facebook is perhaps better in the sense that you get a sense of digital connectedness with your 'FB friends', what they're doing, what cause they want you to sign up for, etc.

The truth is, most of us lead lives filled with largely insignificant details. Details that don't NEED to be shared. It's true. And that's not bad. It's life.

Most of the time we don't find meaning in the details of our lives...well, not unless we can see God in those details. Like the other day when I was out practicing stall recovery in my airplane and inadvertently wound up in a spin. Actually, I spun it three times just to try to figure out what was going wrong (revealing my learning impairment). The fact that the airplane actually recovered from the spins is the significant its supposed to be VERY difficult to bring them out of the spin. And its actually forbidden (didn't find that out til later).

So sometimes, details are significant. Like the fact that God had his hand on me and the old bird. But mostly they're just that...insignificant.

So...all that to say this...

I'll be a bit like Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens). He once was scheduled to speak at a gathering. But when he got there, he stood after he was introduced and said these words: I have nothing to say. And when I DO have something to say, I will be back!

So...when I actually HAVE something to say...I'll write.