Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Dual Citizenship Thing

The talk on the reality of dual citizenship was an interesting experience. Clearly a mixed audience.

The truth is that there are more than a few who feel that Jesus HAS to be a Republican. Given President-elect Obama’s stand on abortion and gay rights, as well as many other things, it might be understandable.

The case could also be made that Jesus HAS to be a Democrat since the Dem’s have a reputation for their focus on social concerns. Republicans are known to be business-friendly, while the Democrats are portrayed as being more caring.

What’s the truth? Beats me. Here’s what I know…God is sovereign…Supreme. Omnipotent. HE wasn’t surprised by the outcome. And according to Romans 13, He uses EITHER party for His purposes.

When Israel demanded a king, God spoke through Samuel. He told them that the change from being led by priests to being led by a king would have its consequences. Taxes. Conflict. What this election will mean for us? We’ll have to wait and see.

This election brought an inspiring first…a black man as president. It should make all of us proud; knowing where we were in the 60’s we’ve come a long way.

This election also brought about something we I never thought I'd see…a decorated war veteran who lost. I’m still processing what that means…

What’s ahead for USA? Only God knows. A drift to the left? Higher taxes? Moral ambiguity? Restrictions on free speech?

As a person with dual citizenship (USA and Heaven) I am confident that God intends to use the incoming administration for His purposes…perhaps to prosper us…perhaps to humble us. Time will tell. In the mean time…we pray, we trust, we watch. And KNOW that God is ultimately in charge.

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