Monday, April 27, 2009

The Noticer

Ok...right from the start let me say...I DO NOT read fiction. I don't know why. Perhaps it's just time I don't have or don't choose to use that way. Maybe it's that I spend most of my time reading ministry related/God related know, like the BIBLE.

But when I had the opportunity to read the new Andy Andrews book, The Noticer, I thought, what the heck? I stuck in my carry-on for the flight to Houston and thought...who knows, maybe I'll get bored enough to read it and break my 'no-fiction' rule.

I was surprised. It was REALLY good. Readable. Relevant. INTERESTING! Well written, evoking lots of images, as good writing should. And the main character kept bringing to mind Morgan Freeman(when they do the movie, he's a shoe-in!).

The truth is the book makes some great points...about perspective, about love languages, about life and the influence we can have on others.

This would be THE book to take to the beach this summer. Its a quick read. And it gets inside your head. I'll be thinking about it for a long time. It's the the kind of book that feels like a comfy old pair of boat shoes that carry with them lots of great memories...

It's time well spent. Nice job Mr. Andrews!

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