Sunday, March 8, 2009

It's Monday morning here. We had a safe trip to Nchalo yesterday. It was very hot there in the valley. Blantyre sits on a mountain so it's cooler. The children were amazing yesterday...approximately 200 there, 50 of which we care for in a makeshift orphange. The needs remain enormous, but we re making a difference. Orphans from other villages are beginning to find their way to Nchalo for food and shelter.

The time with the leaders went well as I shared from my heart about the realities of leading no matter where you lead. They were very receptive. We presented Pastor William, the Nchalo zone pastor, his certificate from GCC. He's a leader of excellence.

Sandy and Claire did crafts with the kids, and spoke with the women. Byron gave the kids their soccer ball. It disappeared quickly. Jon's shooting pictures like crazy.

All in all, a very good day. We're headed to Mazambique later this morning. A long drive on roads that get smaller and smaller. Pray for us.

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Anonymous said...
